
Safety at a College Party

By: Kerry Rork

You walk into a dark (and frankly, kind of filthy) frat house for a party with some of your newest college friends. It is packed with people, and your shoes keep getting stuck to the slippery linoleum floor. Solo cups litter the ground, loud music pulses in your ears, and people stumble around on the dance floor. In spite of the discomfort in this strange environment, you dance the night away, loving your newfound independence.  

Parties can be a fun part of your college experience and a way to meet new people at your university. But, it’s good to be prepared for your own safety. According to RAINN, “among undergraduate students, 23.1% of female students experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapcitation.”

Now, this isn’t to scare you from ever going to a college party. Instead, use this as a reminder to be cautious and aware when you are going out with friends. 

Tips for Staying Safe at College Parties: 

  1. Always remember to trust your instincts. You know that feeling you get when something about someone is just not quite right. Follow that! When you are at a party and that frat guy is flirting with you, if you are not feeling it, leave. Your safety always trumps his pride. 

  2. You are allowed to lie. Obviously, use discretion but if you don’t want to go home with someone, tell them your cat is sick, your mom is calling, whatever it takes to get him off your back.

  3. Stay with your group whenever possible. There’s safety in numbers. When you enter and leave the party, make sure you check in with your group and try to stick together. 

  4. Help your fellow ladies! If you see something that doesn’t seem quite right, try to intervene if you can. Prioritize your safety but if you can gather a group to intervene, do!

  5. Keep a hold on your glass. It is way too easy for some creepy guy at the bar to slip something into your drink. If you need to run to the bathroom, have your friend hold your cup!

  6. If you feel threatened, be loud! Whether that means carrying an alarm keychain with you or testing out your vocal capacities, try to inform anyone who may be nearby of your situation. 

  7. Take a self-defense class. As ridiculous and extreme  as it may seem, self-defense classes are a great way to ensure your own safety and perhaps even the safety of others. Gather up some of your friends and learn how to protect yourself. There is nothing more empowering than knowing you can protect yourself in these situations. 

  8. Carry emergency cash. Have money on you in case you (or maybe a friend) needs a ride home.